Monday, December 29, 2014

Handwriting of God : Coronado Butterfly Preserve

Cardigan : C/O OASAP

Jeans : c/o OASAP

I'm wearing my favorite jeans, long cardigan & a poncho cape as 


Cardigan : C/O OASAP

Jeans : c/o OASAP

Look again at the above picture. What you think are brown leaves on this tree are actually BUTTERFLIES.

"Never pass up an opportunity to enjoy nature's beauty - It's the Handwriting of God"
That's the first thing that came to my mind when I entered this place. I'd almost cancelled our trip to this place but I'm so glad that we went there.

Sometimes, I just feel why are we always in a hurry, what are we running after, why are our minds always full of things, things we gotta do, deadlines & what is it that keeps us from spending some valuable time with our kids, enjoy nature's beauty, etc.
Why can't we be like a free bird, that eats from the nature, sleeps in her nest & is free to go wherever she wants. & yes a dip in the river or lake when she needs a bath. Lolz. Freaking awesome life!!
But on a serious note, we all need to take a break from our fast paced lives & enjoy nature's beauty every once in a while!

See How that tree provides shelter to so many butterflies

Nothing in the nature lives for itself.
Rivers don’t drink their own water.
Trees don’t eat their own fruit.Sun doesn’t give heat for itself.
Flowers don’t spread fragrance for themselves.
Living for Others is the Rule of Nature.
Just like the bird & all other animals get whatever they need from the nature, why can't humans? I mean why do we want more? & in the process of doing so, we are killing what we have (nature), which is not just ours but is equally shared with the rest of nature ( animals, birds) . Firstly we have no right to kill what is not just ours. Secondly, Why do we have to?
The nature itself is so rich. If you protect it, it'll multiply while this pollution in the name of advancement of technology will only destroy the nature & decrease our lifespans too.
& When nature gives us so much, water, food, sunlight, our duty is to give back.
" Give the nature the best you have & the best will come back to you"
Well, Just my thoughts!!
On that note , I'll just go & water some plants :P